Robotic Implant Surgery: What It Is
Robotic Implant Surgery is the use of the latest generation of medical equipment offered in our clinic by qualified and experienced medical staff. Careful planning and flawless execution are key requirements for the ultimate success of implant surgery. The existence of sufficient bone and its quality play an equally important role in ensuring successful dental implant placement.
Robotic Implant Surgery: How is it performed?
Using digital 3D X-ray technology ensures the best possible result in the process of detailed planning of surgical placement of dental implants. In addition, the 3D dental CT scan helps to determine the size of the bone deficit, as the 3D scan allows the Dental Surgeon through imaging to select the potential implantation site and adjacent anatomical structures to be avoided.
The optical scan of the teeth, combined with the 3D X-ray, creates an accurate virtual model on which the personalised dental implant treatment is carried out, always tailored to the needs of each patient. Nowadays, the evolution of technology and science offers state-of-the-art implant robotics methods, which allow the design of even the smallest detail, such as the brand of the implant, its length, its diameter, its angulation, the type of final restoration and the possibility of bone grafting.
This is the complete digital description of the surgical procedure to ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises during the placement of the dental implant. In our clinic, in addition to the pleasant, comfortable and warm environment that inspires confidence in our patients, we create the appropriate medical conditions to ensure that robotic implant surgery is performed successfully and safely.
What is the Digital Guidance Process for Dental Implant Placement
Initially, the surgical procedure is fully customized to the needs of each patient, as the information in the file is utilized to create specific guided surgical insertions (stents) at the points of need. Once this stage is completed, the Oral Surgeon and his or her specialist medical team proceed to place the dental implants.
These customized precision guides are manufactured in a high-tech laboratory in the U.S. with a very high degree of precision. The guides include metal tubes, which fit perfectly with the guided surgical drills. The result is flawless and absolutely precise placement of the dental implant, as this method ensures the proper angle and depth control. Due to the increased precision during the procedure, there are some cases where implants are placed without a flap, so no stitches or incisions are needed, just a small hole in the gum to place the dental implant.
The success rates of robotic surgical placement at our clinic are very high, as both the Oral Surgeon and the medical staff are fully trained and have vast experience. From your first appointment to the final stage, we guarantee a trusting and safe environment with prompt service and full guidance, so you can be confident every step of the way. Get the radiant smile of satisfaction you have always dreamed of by making your appointment with us today.